Friday, November 6, 2009

Challenge to your core (prev. posted on myspace 12/19/08)

What is it about us as a people, as a country, that we still hold onto prejudice ways, long after so many rights movement took place to end this awful thing? First we hated black people, some still do, then we hated Hispanic people, some still do, now we turn on each other? I'm not just talking to white people either. Blacks hate blacks and Hispanics hate Hispanics just as much. If he had been born into your set would you still hate him the way you do? Probably not. So why do we hold onto this? Aren't we all the same anymore? If you'd stop for a minute, and check, your probably hating yourself without ever knowing it. Me for example, I have German, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, English, African, Cherokee, Cree and Saux blood in my veins. So it would be stupid of me to say I hate black people, when in essence, I'm saying I hate myself. So what if she married a black guy? So what if he married a Hispanic girl? Isn't it diversity that makes us a nation? Is our flag not multi colored? It's gone so far from racism now to pure prejudice. Americans hate Americans now, white, black, brown, yellow, it doesn't matter. People look at me, and hate me because I have tattoo's and piercings and wear black shirts. You didn't hate me when I was the contractor building your house, the contractor building your place of work. You didn't hate me when I was the cook, preparing the food you ate. You didn't hate me when I was the machine operator who made the cushy chair you sit in. Maybe it was because you were grateful. I used to think that, but now I wonder if it was because you didn't see me, didn't notice me. All you saw was your house, your food, your chair. That's b.s.!! Why do we continue to allow ourselves, our children to be conditioned this way? What can we do about it you ask. Open your eyes! You don't know me, how dare you judge me! To quote an unknown author " Who are you to judge me and the life I live? I know that I'm not perfect and I don't claim to be. So before you point your finger make sure your own hands are clean." I tell my kids everyday, it's OK to be different. It's not nice to make fun of someone because they are different. Their mother and I are two different people, with two different taste, yet we don't subject them to either or. We let them experience as much as possible to broaden their horizon, make them more open. If we as Americans can vote in a black president and break the racial stereotype set on our country, can't we abolish the prejudice we carry as well? People get so bored or caught up in themselves they go as far as to be prejudice against a shift at work. Why? Nothing better to do? Or is the urge to hate so strong you clamor for any excuse available? People who claim to be Christians and do this are the most hypocritical in my eyes. Jesus wasn't white, and didn't he say to love thy neighbor as thyself? Did he not tell you to spread his message of love and salvation to the Jews and gentiles? News flash, we are the gentiles. We, Americans are responsible for breaking down America, from the inside out. Unless we wake up, and act now, we will have devoured everything we hold dear in our lives and it won't be much longer either.
Think about it.

I can post writings and poetry for days and you read it, no problems, but as soon as I post something that challenges your core, makes you stop and think, everyone is up in arms. Why is that? Before you scoff and question me and my way of thinking, maybe you should check yourself. Find out who your really angry at.

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