Friday, January 29, 2010

Was there a Click?

So the other day I was asked "was there a click?" when talking about a "date" that I at one point in time went on (this conversation started over another topic, moved to dating/romance etc. and lead this question I'm sharing with you now, so please bear with me if it doesn't make sense at first). My response "yeah, from my bones when I got up." Rolling eyes ensued and the subject was dropped, but it did make me start to think about "that click" and how you know if there's a connection with someone. So here's my opinion (hey you came to MY site what else did you expect?)

I think you don't know if there's a connection until there's that kiss. We all know what I'm talking about; that kiss that when you share it you feel the passion, the desire, the love and warmth from that person. And not in a sexual sense although that is needed to, but when your having the worst day ever and you don't feel like you have anyone to turn to and you see them and share a kiss, no matter how brief, and instantly you feel better and you feel the warmth inside and you know everything is going to be alright.
That's when I think you know, and trust me situations arise enough to tell you fairly early on if their the right person or not.
Most of all you need to trust your instincts, they were given to you for a reason after all, and go with your heart as well as your head. together their a great combo.

not sure if I've said it all right now, maybe I'll have to come back and add on but for now this feels right, and heeding my own advice I'm going with my gut.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Struggles and Confusion

So here I sit trying to write this blog using a WII because the computer is down. Thus the struggle.
The confusion comes from life itself and the choices I must make. I'm just not sure which one to choose.
I know this is short but my patience runs thin as two little birds try to guess what I'm typing as I ckick the letter. So I go for now....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Interesting Advances in Near Future Vehicles

So once again I get back from work and get online. Beside the main headline I see a link that boasts 7 myths about electric cars. Knowing that this is the very near future of what we will all be driving, I clicked the link. It was very interesting to see how far they've come with advances towards Ev's.
Now this might not be something your interested in until you actually buy one, and that's fine, but either way it's a good read.
Hope you enjoy.

(photo: Beautiful Earth)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Interesting Top 10 for 2010

So I get home (where I'm crashing until my car is fixed and I can return to my actual home) from work this morning, it's freezing out, everyone is still in bed, not wanting to disturb anyone I turn on the computer, get online and the first thing I see on yahoo is "10 things not to buy in 2010."
The picture it shows is of a corded and cordless phone (land line), and immediately grabs my attention. So i click on the link ( and read the list. Not surprising is: landlines, smart phone also-rans and newspaper subscriptions. But what was kinda shocking was: dvds and digital compact cameras.
OK maybe to you it's not so shocking but to me the camera bit was. It's quite the list and a must read for anyone thinking about purchasing any kind of tech items in the near future. Don't take it from me though, click the link and check it out for yourself.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Bash

I had to work new years eve into new years morning, sucks very much let me tell you. So tonight is my night of celebration. I got a drink from a friend off Iphone's mixology app called "Dragons Breath" and it's kinda stout! So needless to say as I type this I'm feeling a slight head change so forgive me if it doesn't make sense right now.
I hope everyone enjoyed their new years celebration, made some decent resolutions that are reasonable, and was safe throughout the night.
My resolutions are simple: 1) Find the positive in any situation and roll with it, 2) Get into school so that I am one step closer to my goal; start one of my three (3) dream businesses by the time I'm thirty (30), 3) Get a better job. Reasonable I think.
Everyone be safe whether you celebrated new years eve or tonight like me, or anytime and I will be blogging again soon, count on it.

Dragon's Breath
  • 3oz Beer
  • 2oz Everclear
  • 2oz Gin
  • 2oz Vodka
  • 1oz Dark Rum
  • 1oz Peppermint Schnapps
  • Coca Cola
  • Dry Ice

Pour into a highball glass and fill with Coca-Cola. Enjoy

(I find that pouring it into a bigger glass/pitcher and making it a party drink because like I said, it's stout!)