Thursday, October 20, 2011

Would You Stop To Help Someone On The Side Of The Road? Poll results

So after a debate at school about stopping to help someone broke down on the side of the road I decided to take a poll & gather some results. I thought it would be more of a Yes/No answer, I ended up having to add "It Depends" to the category (& judging by the responses, it seams humanity might still be alive). Results show 60% say It Depends, 30% say No & 10% say Yes without a doubt (30 ppl polled). Interesting to me, thought I'd share.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11, Ten Years Later

Ten years.
Well technically in five hours it will be ten years.
Ten years ago our world of invincibility was rocked as the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center. Not since the American Civil War has there been such bloodshed on U.S. soil.
" Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day? Were you in the yard with your wife and children Or working on some stage in L.A.? Did you stand there in shock at the sight of that black smoke Risin' against that blue sky? Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor Or did you just sit down and cry?"
Can you remember where you were? I can. I actually volunteered to go with my youth group to help dig through the rubble to find victims but we were told to stay home. To many people had already volunteered I guess.
Many peoples lives have changed since that day. Men & women everywhere have joined the military to fight terrorism here & abroad, joined their local PD, FD, as well as the Medical Industry, just to help save others lives.
And while the sense of loyalty & pride for our country has fallen in the years since, I must say I am still very proud of the people I consider hero's. What about you? Are you proud? Or do you not care anymore? I'm not asking about the over publicized, cheap, tasteless, cashing in on a tragedy 9/11. I'm asking are you proud of us as a country, for where we've come since then? I sure hope so. Don't let the insensitive, money hungry grubs ruin what should be a memorable day for us all.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011


Season 4 of Sons Of Anarchy starts this Tue (September 6) at 10pm est on FX with a 90 minute premier!
Ok, that being said, I've caught some heat if you will for being such a huge fan of the show. Does it bother me? Not at all. What these people seam to forget is I already have an undying passion & love for motorcycles & the culture surrounding them. I think that Kurt Sutter ( (( how cool is that we both use blogspot to blog our ramblings?!)) ) is a genius in the way he pulls you into the show with such intellectual writing, music & visual stimulant. Even if your not a fan of motorcycles (which Ron "Clay" Perlman said from the beginning he wasn't) the show itself is good enough to keep you entertained & on the edge of your seat, biting your nails & screaming at the characters on the tube while your watching. That is a sure sign of brilliance.
Kurt is often belittling himself saying he's just a writer not an actor & people won't be following him in mass numbers on his Twitter ( @sutterink ) yet he has over 51k followers with only slightly over 4k tweets. I have over 30k tweets & only 478 followers. Hey Kurt, I think they like you more sir.
The man is passionate about his work & portraying the world he holds so near & dear to his heart, and dammit, I love him for that!
So as a fan who is addicted to Sons Of Anarchy maybe I am slightly fanatical with my passion for a mere tv show, but it's an original idea executed with extreme passion & meticulous detail, let's face it there aren't many shows with original ideas executed this way anymore, & it's just, quite simply, a damn good show.
Kurt, I cannot wait until season 4 sir & patiently waiting for return to us, your fanatical fans on Twitter. We love ya man!
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Update of Sorts

So it's time to update you on my going ons (cuz this is my blog & I can be self centered & absorbed if I wanna be);
I bought a truck a week ago, waiting for my next paycheck to tag & insure that bad boy. Coincidently, I'll be getting the bike titled at the same time, still has a pawl spring that needs to be fixed before it's road ready though.
I start school September 7th! Going for my Bachelor in Business. Super stoked about that. Finally putting my life in the direction I always dreamed I could go but never could find the road until now.
I have some new ink lined up, hopefully be getting that started in the next week or so.
Be on the lookout for my photography site to spring up in the next month or so. I've had alot of interest shown in my work recently & I think it's about time I make an online portfolio to show off what I've got so far. That being said, I may venture into live model work, if anyone is interested, hold that thought until I'm ready.
I'm trying to think of anything else, but that's about it. Hope all of you are doing great & again thank you so much for taking time out to read my ramblings. Means the world to me.
Until next time....

Think about it
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Forgiveness pt. 2

So I last left you with a question about forgiveness & how hard it is to do under circumstances that were unbecoming on both sides.
Honestly, it's still taking time to work out, but we did manage to have a civil discussion & in the end, both of us decided it was better to work things out then to let something that, let's face it, is petty in the long run, ruin what was once a brothership (brothership you ask, that's not a word is it? It is now bitches! Doesn't feel like a brotherhood, closer really, and friendship just isn't strong enough. So, brothership. There you go, a new word & definition brought to you by the fat one. Enjoy). We both agree, we can't go back to how it was & we know it'll take time & effort to get the trust back, but who knows, in the end it could possibly be greater then it ever was.
I can't speak for him (guess he needs to start a blog huh?) But I myself am looking forward to seeing where this thing ends up.
So let me challenge you, is there a torn relationship over trivial, petty differences in your life? Do you miss that person? Do you sometimes look at their picture or see them on your social networking site but you just can't bring yourself to make that first step? Don't let this ruin what could be your own beautiful brother/sistership. Sometimes, it takes the bigger man/woman to make that first step. Who knows, maybe they have been feeling the same about you.
Think about it.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


How does one forgive someone who was as close as family until the day they stabbed you in the back, twisting & breaking the handle in the process?
This is the dilemma I'm currently faced with.
I'm not sure exactly how to proceed from here, as my usual method is to bash skulls together and keep on walking, letting the devil count the bodies. But I find myself not wanting this to happen now.
Emotions are running rampid through my head as I try to fit the pieces of this puzzle together.
On the one hand I want to kill whatever chance of reconciliation is left so this will never be an issue again. On the other I don't want to live with the weight of never knowing if things could have worked out for the rest of my life.
So what do I do?
Honestly, I have no idea. I've turned the other cheek until my rear looks like eternal road rash has set in.
I have been lied to and about, used, manipulated and deceived, all by the same person.
But people change, right? They grow up, the grow wiser, the learn remorse, and they ask for forgivenes.s. Or is this just a fairytale that, for some unbeknown reason, I suddenly believe in?
Maybe I'm going to be the biggest dumbass in history but I am going to try, one last time, to forgive and being the mending process that will blossom into an even stronger and closer friendship then ever before.
Or I could just be making a terrible decision because of the alcohol I have consumed tonight.
Either way, I'll be sure to let you know what happens, After all, this is my blog, it's what I do.
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Monday, August 1, 2011


After getting my new phone (Droid X2) I had the same problem logging back into blogspot on the mobile app. But being the stubborn guy I am I kept hacking away at it until I could remember the right email/password combo (again. I should really write these things down, or maybe eliminate some emails. But I digress) I'm finally back to pecking order.
I would love to tell you what's in store for my blog, tell you that many interesting stories, reviews, theories & points of view are coming up soon! In reality, I don't know what's in store from one day to the next.
I can, however, tell you that I will continue to give you all of those & more as I see as they come along.
One of the awesome things I love about this app is my ability to let you know on several platforms when I have updated & chances are you follow along with me on at least one of them. So as I update I will be sure to let you know.
I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read & comment on my ramblings. You guys are awesome!
Many thanks, Fattie.
If you have a topic, subject or specific thing you'd like to hear my opinion on please do not hesitate to let me know. Always looking for something to talk about.
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

National Debt Crisis, is it solved?

Http:// Obama & Congress come to a decision over national debt crisis.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011


I've had the opportunity to go to a few car shows this year so far & take pictures that are now uploaded to an online magazine. To see these photos go to click show coverage, this will pull up a list of shows from this & previous years. The folders labeled LAYD OUT & SE MINI TRUCK NATS 2010 & 2011 are my photos.
Also, I am currently working on uploading all my photos, shows & otherwise, into an online portfolio so be on the lookout for that as well.
Thanks for all your support, you guys (& gals) are phenomenal!
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

It's Memorial Day, how Are you planning on spending it? Some people have to work, some people have the day off & plan to celebrate with fireworks & a cook out or Maybe a trip to the beach. Some people have already started their celebrating this past Friday when Memorial weekend started. However you plan to spend your day/weekend, please, be safe.
That being said, How many of you remember what today is about? Originally started to remember the African-American men Who died in the Civil War, after WWI it broadened to be a day of remembrance for all who have died in any conflict past & present. I'm sure many of you have a family member or friend who is currently or has served in our Armed Forces at some point. My Grandpa served in the Korean War. I actually have one of his dogtags, It's been hanging from my rear view in just about every car I've Ever drove. My Grandma can recite his id number to this day, I Guess after writing 360 some odd letters it tends to stick in your memory banks.
But how many of us actually stop to Think about what these men & women have been through? What Their going through? How many times have you thanked a vet for the sacrifices they have made for us to have the freedom to sit at home or work & pull our phone out or sit at the computer & check our Twitter feed or Facebook status?
I think in today's age, Where we have instant access to anything we want, we tend to take Things for granted, be absent minded.
So my challenge to you today is to take the time out of whatever your schedule is & Thank a vet for what they've done. I personally have already wrote my Grandpa & one of my close friends who did two tours in Iraq & thanked them. It you've already done this then good for you.
Let's also remember there are men & women Still deployed & they have family & loved ones who want them home. Keep them in your thoughts & prayers today.
I personally want To thank every Vet & anyone who has contributed to them for all they have done for Me. I am eternally grateful.
Think about it.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Moment of Faith by Murder In The Mirror

This video was shot live at The Downtown in Morristown, TN. I was Really close to the band & it Was taken with my phone, so idk How good the sound quality will be. Also, if There's alot of movement, that's probably because I was reaching for and downing my beer.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapture 2011

So it's May 21, 2011 and the "Rapture 2011" is upon us. Or is it?
I for one am slightly pissed about this claim for several reasons. 1; I've heard several different arguments that all come to the conclusion that today is d-day, from "Its exactly a year & a half before the ""2012"" prediction is to happen & God is coming to prove that theory wrong" to "all the major events, ie the flood, ice age, etc, have been studied & every 7000 years something big happens & this is Next". Ok, Really? Can you not hear the contradiction in that?! If you believe so much in your religion to say "God is coming back today & we can prove it!" Then shouldn't you remember the passage in the Bible that says "No man knows the day nor the hour of His return."? Seams to me if you were as gung ho in your beliefs as you claim to be, you'd study any & EVERYTHING before staking such a huge claim as something that totally goes against & undermines your beliefs core structure.
Which brings me to my other problem with this situation. 2; What is wrong with us, as a people, that we've become so lazy we can't even commit to a belief 100%? I mean, it's a belief! Doesn't require anything more Then believing. And yet somehow even that has become to big of a responsibility for us to undertake.
All I'm saying is if your gonna believe in something, and commit to it enough to come up with a theory such as the one above, at least know what your talking about. I am by no means nor am I claiming to be a role model for you to base your Christian/religious beliefs on, so please don't Think I'm saying be me. I am telling you to keep an open mind though, & if your gonna commit, don't be lazy, give it 110%.
Think about it.