So i got this survey from a friend the other day, and one of the questions in it was "Is this the land of the free?" and I replied "The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!- Rage Against The Machine" Ever since then, thoughts about this issue keep coming to mind and damn it!, I want to share with you what they are.
Is this the land of the free? NO! It's a land of the free, to an extinct. Every day we give more and more of our rights as Americans away to the "Democracy". Soon it will be a dictatorship, mark my words. First is was prayer in schools, and while I might not be a baptist, or catholic, or whatever, I do believe that if you want to pray to your god, whoever that may be, then by all means do so. If you want to ask for a good day before school starts why shouldn't you? Instead they have a "moment of silence" so not to offend anyone, and if you speak in this moment of silence, you get detention, and repeated times leads to suspension. What is this? What kid do you know that can talk to themselves without saying something out loud? This is bull people, and yet we just stand aside and let them walk over us. "It's OK because we have our rights!" Ha!
No smoking. What? I used to smoke, so I sympathize with all the smokers out there when I say, "When did they ask us if wanted this ban to happen?" They didn't. Now you can't smoke within twenty (20) feet of a restaurant, or public facility without getting fined $500, for the first offense. What is this crap? Soon, we won't even be able to smoke in our own cars (keep in mind, in some states that's now a law), or our houses. Why? We know it's bad for us, but if we want to kill ourselves slowly by enjoying seven and a half minutes of nicotine, why can't we? Did we do anything about this? No, we just stood aside, and let them walk all over us. "It's OK because we still have our rights." Ha!
Do something about it, they say, speak up and let your voice be heard, they say, change the world they say. How? I am a hard working man, trying to earn a living (which is hard to do making so little money while the cost of living keeps rising), to raise my family. I don't have enough time to do that and plan huge rallies and demo's, to let people know how I feel, to find other people who feel the same way. Does it matter? NO, because it's not up to us anyways, it's up to the rich, pompous political fat cats with the ultimate decision. Run for president. I can't. You have to be thirty-five before you can do that, and I'm twelve years shy of that, and by that time we probably won't be a land of the free anymore.
This is bull people, we stand aside, and let them walk all over us, while hiding under the garb the we "Still have our rights as American Citizens" while slowly giving up right after right until we have nothing left. Is this what our fore fathers fought and died for? Is this why they fled a country that ruled with an iron fist, and fought for years to maintain a state of freedom? Fought in two great world wars to keep the dream of freedom alive? No, and I think if they could, they would rise up from their graves and kick everyone of us in the ass for letting their life efforts go in vain.
Children are raped and abused in schools daily, and we turn our heads, "that's not really happening", murder's are let free because we don't have any room for them in our jails, there filled with the repeat druggies, people starve and live in poverty in our back yards people, because we can't afford the things we need with the rising cost of living, and all the while we stand aside and let them walk all over us, "It's OK because we still have our rights!" NO MORE!! I am over this bull!! No longer will I set back and watch and not say anything! This is my land, my home, my rights as an American Citizen, to live they way I want to, to pray to and believe whatever/ whoever I choose to, to bare arms, and speak up about the alarming rate our rights are stripped away from us. NO longer will I let "the man" make me worry if I'm going to jail because I said the president of the United States of America isn't doing his job, and should be removed!
I know some of you, a lot of you feel the same way I do. Don't be scared. Stand up for yourselves, as Americans, and take back what is rightfully yours, what our forefathers fought and died for, to protect. Don't be another one to just stand aside. Get in their face and demand our rights back! After all, this is the land of the free, right?
Think about it
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